Precisa de ajuda para moldes ou para a confeção das suas peças ?
Consulte abaixo os nossos serviços
We offer high-quality fashion services, developed over 25 years working within the highly recognised Portuguese textile industry.
Queremos conjugar a nossa experiência profissional, com o gosto em fazer algo que se diferencie pela forma de contacto com os seus clientes pois valorizamos a proximidade, os detalhes, a personalização.
Serviços de desenvolvimento de moldes

When we speak of creating patterns, we don’t just mean cutting pieces of clothing.
Para criar moldes, é preciso bem mais do que um lápis, uma tesoura e um papel
It’s important to study the motivation behind each product: We need to understand its finality, interpret the original concept and its design, and determine its purpose.
We also need to understand the raw materials which will be used, the geometry and shapes of the product, and how they link with the proportions and behaviour of the human body.
A modelista é responsável em passar para o papel, um modelo específico. Deve ter sempre em conta as medidas tiradas, a construção do modelo e a matéria prima escolhida. Por fim, com alguma criatividade, o molde transforma-se numa peça bonita e funcional.
Serviços de apoio à seleção de materiais e elaboração das fichas técnicas

We can create the first iteration of a pattern based on provided measurements, items, or designs. We will then create a sample with the adequate textile material to test the product, identify improvement opportunities and confirm it matches the client’s concept and vision.
We can help select the best colours, materials and accessories to match your idea.
Based on our professional knowledge, we can suggest improvements to reduce cost through simplifying the build and production processes for this final product.
Desenvolvemos fichas técnicas e tabelas de medidas.

Once garment is approved, we will develop all the patterns in the required sizes.
We work on a digital platform to have a perfect and thorough work.
Based on the approved sample, we will also create measurement charts, which can be used for quality control of all items produced in the different required sizes.
We will also calculate raw material requirements to enable cost estimates and adequate procurement processes to match product demand and production.